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Sarah Martinez

Sarah Martinez
Posted on: 01/25/2023

What prompted you to look into bariatric surgery?

My health was extremely bad. I was taking multiple medicines.

How did you decide bariatric surgery was right for you?

Working with Dr. Datta, the sleeve surgery was the best fit for me.

How has bariatric surgery made an impact on your life?

The bariatric surgery helped me lose many pounds that was needed for me to get up and get moving. My diet is very important, so is being able to move around.

What is your advice to someone who is thinking about bariatric surgery or someone who is looking for options for significant weight loss?

Talk to your doctor. The bariatric surgery is not a useful tool if you do not use the tool correctly. You need to be very serious with your decision. You will learn how to eat and eat right. Food is fuel, and there is no reason to overfill.

Tell us about your experience with Commonwealth Surgical Specialists.

The team at Commonwealth Surgical Specialists are the best team to be a part of. They care about you. There is no one on the team that hasn't stopped to listen to me. I feel like they are my medical family and my support.

Tell us about your experience with bariatric surgery.

When I began my journey with Commonwealth Surgical Specialists, I was embarrassed. It was hard to ask for help. It was hard to think anyone would help me. I couldn't be more wrong. Working closely with Dr. Datta was the correct choice. He said, "You will need to take this seriously.” I would imagine he says that to everyone. I went home and thought, the surgery is what I needed to have done. Even the day of the surgery, I wanted to leave before we got started. I was so nervous. Before and after the surgery, I read the bariatric book front to back. I still do to this day. Currently, I met my ultimate goal of 190 lbs. loss. I feel good. I am 48 years old and feel like my youth was given back to me. I bike, run, walk and play with my children. It feels good to think I will be here to see my grandchildren and have the energy to have fun with them. I didn't see that before my surgery. Now, I feel amazing. No aches, no pains, no headaches. I sleep so much better. I am glad I made the choice to stay. Stick to the book, and you will have results. Cheat and you only hurt yourself (as you are today). See you on the path to greatness.

Sarah Martinez
Posted on: 01/25/2023

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